Occasionally, a card transaction can be declined by an issuer, even when the card is valid and has sufficient funds. Each card issuer has an automated process that determines whether or not to accept a transaction, and sometimes an overzealous fraud detection system can block a transaction in error. Unfortunately, we don’t receive detailed information about why any individual charge was declined.
Providing your name and address details may help with this. If you have had a gift payment declined, we will ask for this additional information should you decide to try again.
In addition, very rarely, there can be a temporary error in processing a transaction using the card networks. Normally, this resolves itself in a few moments, and retrying the payment should then go through.
If you have a UK bank account, you could try making a one-off Direct Debit payment instead. With this, instead of making payment using your card, you’d set up a one-off transfer of funds from your bank account to Scott and Jessica’s bank account.
It’s as secure and safe as a card payment — in fact, maybe more so. The payment only happens once and cannot be repeated, and you’re protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee, which means that in the extremely unlikely event of an error, you can claim a complete and immediate refund at any point, through your bank.
Your gift reservation on Scott and Jessica’s list won’t expire, and you don’t have to pay immediately. When you reserve an item, we send you a confirmation email. This email contains a link back to the site that you can use to pay for your gift.
We do not handle the financial transaction between you and Scott and Jessica ourselves. Payment for your gifts always goes directly to Scott and Jessica.
Please contact us if you would like us to get in touch with Scott and Jessica on your behalf to find out if there’s an alternative method of payment you could use (for example, making a transfer of funds into their bank account).
Equally, if you have any other queries or wish to cancel your gift reservation, please email [email protected].